Snow storm & snow removal in MTL [HD]
If not before, then in the month of December, already cold late Autumn or first Winter days create perfect conditions for a snow storms in many parts of northern hemisphere, not only in Montreal, Quebec (map). Days like one featured on our video are part of everyday life that some years can stretch from October to May but are most intense during the Winter months.
If you live in a warm climate and ever wonder how all that looks like then our video may help. Snow storm & snow removal in Montreal video is featuring moderate snow storm that had left behind 15cm of snow on the city streets. Second part of video features a few scenes of typical snow removal operation that follows during the next 7 days.
Video “Snow storm & snow removal in MTL” [HD]
Video has been published on the old channel in the month of Feb. 2011 and until the end of 2014 had more than 52.939 views. Thank you!
Usually cold winter days bring in snowstorms that put smiles on kids faces, those of big and small equally, who enjoy winter activities on local slopes, on ice and wherever opportunity presents itself. At the same time this large amounts of snow can cause a havoc in the cities, especially those that are not very often hit hard and for that reason don’t have ready clean up crews.
Some love it, some, oh well, don’t at all.
In extreme cases no amount of preparation and heavy equipment can keep up with the snowfall. Under those circumstances traffic can be brought to the standstill, driving becomes impossible and in some cases motorists do get stranded and partially buried in the snow for hours, but that does not happen often and it’s close to impossible to happen in this city (until it happens).
Let it snow

Take into consideration that sometimes it snows when temperature is way bellow zero degrees Celsius. Temperature does not have to be -1ºC, it can snow as much on, lets say, -15ºC (5ºF). But, snowstorm is usually just a beginning. If next day weather clears out, and even colder Arctic air moves in, then temperature drops down easily to -25ºC (-13ºF), with wind-chill to -40ºC (-40ºF) or more. Than, that show goes on for weeks, with temperature fluctuating just slightly until suddenly southern wind brings in a few degrees above zero Celsius for a day or two, just enough for snow to start melting. But that meltdown is short lived and 24h latter temperature drops back down way below zero.
I guess, by now you get the picture.
That’s the reason why Canadians are among the best hockey players in the World 🙂
How bad it gets in your city during and after the snowstorm and are you happy with snow cleaning or snow removal response? What excuses your city cancelers have when things go wrong?